Monday, November 8, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

20101008 仔仔周渝民爆笑全紀錄 大明星小跟班 TVBS

Zaizai Zhou Yumin "laughter record", Big Star Small Attendant TVBS
20101008 仔仔周渝民爆笑全紀錄 大明星小跟班 TVBS

credit video to yin 08036 at youtube

Translated by sytwo at VIC/ AF

VO (Host) :
Have not interviewed Zaizai at close distance for quite a while. This time, Zaizai appeared at a product endorsement event, fans were very enthusiastic and caused the venue to overflow with excitement. Zaizai has filmed many dramas, films and commercials and has a very rich acting experience. But it seems like we have not seen him host a program before right? So let us now watch Zaizai host the program “Big Star……. Ah, oh no, oh no. It should be Small Star and Big Attendant!*”

ZZ : Small star interview big attendant (points the mic to the host)
Host : How are you, how are you?
ZZ : Since the last time we met, that was during B&W time?
Host : Yes, it’s been a long time.
ZZ : Right, a long time. So what have you been busy with lately?
Host : Oh, lately I have been busy interviewing well-known big stars. But all along I have been waiting for a male star. He has not let me interview him for a long time. So I was thinking, how come it is like this? Have not been able to see him for a while, and even for his movie I was not able to find him (for interview).
ZZ : How can there be such a person like this?
Host : Why is he like this? No heart (not friendship). I thought that after we have interacted last time**, we have established some kind of friendship/ relationship.
ZZ : Ah right. Such a type of person is really not right (better not to have him).
Host : Yes!
ZZ : To such a small star as me, I really dislike such a “rubbish person” to exist in this industry.
Host : It’s true! So ZZ is someone who is the most grateful and treasures friendship. Come let me give you a hug. (she hugs ZZ). Have not met for a long time.

VO (host) :
Ah, Mr Zhou! Aren’t you becoming too lively these days? Is it because you saw me? Haha! Makes me feel so shy that I kept sweating. I also talked with ZZ about the amusing things that happen when filming the commercial.

ZZ : It was 40 degrees in the hot weather of Thailand. The Thailand director hopes to capture such a scene, so I was running the whole day from morning till 2.00pm or 3.00pm. So I will be running like this (demonstrates running style), and then after running I will do this (put up his hand) …..I want to vomit. (laughs)

VO (host) :
Working hard just to repay loyal fans. There is a type of fan who left a deep impression on him.

ZZ : The moment when I appeared in front of her, she totally (host : collapse) collapse. And then she burst into tears in front of me. In this situation I really cannot take it.
Host : So do you go and comfort her? (sytwo : not so sure of this word)
ZZ: Definitely.
VO (Host ) : Everyone please learn this tactic!

*The actual program name is called “Big star, small attendant (servant/ follower)” but ZZ changed it to “Small Star, Big Attedant” (ie ZZ is the small star and the host is the big attendant. Its meant as a compliment to the host). The host shared this before at her weibo, about this funny and cute thing that ZZ said when they met up for this interview.

** The host was the MC for many of the B&W promo events and I recall at that time, ZZ and her interacted very well together, whether on tv shows or at events. I also recall she was the one who said that her tv colleagues are all imitating what Pizi does on TV (like chew gum, words he say, actions etc)

- End –

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Love You 10000 Years

Credit : mukmukie134@youtube

credit : zaidvd@youtube

Credit : somzai@youtube

Credit : somzai@youtube

credit : somzai@youtube

Credit : rubywu268@youtube

Credit : janis0609@youtube

Credit : zaidvd@youtube

Saturday, August 28, 2010

News of Rejoice HZ event

credit mukmukie
Translated By : Stywo@AF

VO : ZZ went to HZ for shampoo event and at the event ZZ had games with fans, and teased them
VO : On stage, ZZ said he likes girls with long hair which makes one remember his previous girlfriend DaS, does it mean he also like DaS because of her long hair?
ZZ : Actually I do not has a fix idea that a girl must have long or short, but one thing I notice is that if your hair is not well taken care of and not soft, in my heart I will minus some points.
Reporters: So for DaS who is always takes care of her appearance, does that add points?
ZZ : She has always been added a lot of points
VO : ZZ is known as an idol star, but in the recent B&W he acted as a Pizi who is always chasing girls and his latest movie he is a decadent rocker. Is ZZ trying to shed his idol image and go another route as an actor?
ZZ : I feel that as an actor it is better not to be set in one type of role/ acting. Esp for someone like, I am now 29 years old and it will be another 10 years before reaching the maturity stage of an actor where I have a lot of opportunity to try different type of roles. If I am now 40 years old I will no longer have the chance to act in a role like LY10000Y with such a storyline, So at this time when I am developing, keep acting in many different roles will be a help to me.